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Operating Frequencies and Nets
and useful links to HAM and emergency sites


Add ISS to your satellite activity(click)

​The article explains in detail with terrific graphics on how to make contacts through the ISS Packet digipeater with a TNC, or a Sound Card, like the SignaLink.


Additional Nets

Nets in Albuquerque

New Mexico Mega-Link System

About 30 repeaters are linked together so you should be able to communicate with any ham in NM from any where in NM. Please wait 2-3 seconds after you engage the transmitter before you speak so as to allow the repeaters to link up.

New Mexico Nets - An Interactive Calendar with details about the HF & VHF Nets in New Mexico.

Vintage Equipment Operator's Net - 3.840 LSB All are welcome, you do to have use vintage gear.
Saturday 9:45 Mountain Time

Boat Anchor Nets, Times & Frequencies

Useful Web Sites


A.R.R.L.(BECOME ARRL Member click here)
Amateur Radio's National Organization
ARRL Web Page

ARRL Members to Lead New 30-Minute Amateur Radio Webinar Series.
ARRL is launching a new webinar series to help introduce more members to the variety of activities and opportunities that radio amateurs enjoy. The ARRL Learning Network will offer live presentations by member-volunteers, for members.

The ARRL now offers a New Magazine,
"On-The-Air" is an excellent resource for the new hams.

New Mexico Clubs






Caravan Radio Club - is an active local club that supports repeaters and special events in the ABQ area.

Upper Rio FM Society - is an organization with nine linkable two meter and 70 cm repeaters, two of which are D-Star digital repeaters.

Special Interest Groups


Feld Hell - It is an old analog system that seemingly prints out text on a "scrolling tape". Slower than PSK and RTTY, but weak signal text can usually be read even though it looks blurry. The Feld Hell Home Page provides access to free software and announces dates and times to monthly contest on a Weekly Feld Net on Thursday, 0100 UTC. (Read an article about operating Feld Hell in the Media section.)


CWOPS - This is a CW specialty group. The group sponsored weekly contests. Access to CW training aides can be found on the site.


SKCC - This is a site that promotes the use of CW at slow speeds. Even the most inexperienced operator is welcome. They promote a formal exchange that helps with decoding. SKCC members gather around specific frequencies, listed on their web site and monthly contests are informal affairs that are a lot of fun.

Access to Manufacturers, Organizations, Tutorials …

600 Ham Radio Web Sites - That's right, 600 ham radio web sites. A good place to start your search for whatever.


Contest Calendar - This site provides detailed information about amateur radio contests. It includes scheduled dates/times, rules, log submission information and links to the official rules as published by the contest sponsors.

NM's 2 meter Repeaters - The NM Amateur Radio Frequency Coordination Committee's List

FT8 Beyond Standard Messages - Learn how to organize FT8 and FT4 software to handle changes greater than traditional settings allow. Access this video with detailed "How To" instructions .





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