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By Chairman of the Board, HDARC™ seen above with Frank Warren


The High Desert Amateur Radio Club of New Mexico Inc.™ was founded and incorporated on January 16, 2004 as a New Mexico non profit, By Frank Warren (SK) and his wife Kennie Warren, to promote education in the amateur radio HAM community.  The above picture is me getting my Extra ticket after completing Franks last Extra class.  Frank exemplified the spirit of HAM radio as he dedicated his time to educating and testing and was a great Elmer.  Frank also devoted a great deal of time to make wooden toys to give away at Christmas to kids in New Mexico.


Over the following several years there were many members who have been a great influence in bringing the hobby to schools and community events.  The club has many active ARRL testing VE's and also testing VE's for LAUREL VEC.  We currently have available free testing (click here to register for an exam).


In 2020 there was a great possibility of the club being dissolved because all the past officers and directors lacked the enthusiasm and guidance to steer the future of the club and were giving up on the club.  The president at that time was begging for someone to step up so he would not have to dissolve the club.  


Thankfully, a Ham extra class with over 30 years in the hobby stepped up to guide the club into the new decade with exciting new ideas and adventures. 


In February 2020 David Ham was elected President  by UNANIMOUS vote of the membership.   He guided the club with many new activities to keep the members active through the covid 19 restrictions.  Under his stewardship the member ranks swelled with the new programs, WAMO net, mega-link net, zoom chats, hamming around New Mexico, and remote site activations along with Ed Poccia's Outback New Mexico. 


Because of David's efforts, the club Treasury grew to a point that in February 2021, the members voted to donate $250 to each of 4 charities, further promoting the purpose of our non-profit with charitable donations to the community.







David Ham, President


On 2-19-22 the club held elections and re-elected the current officers and board members that can be found on the secretary of state web HERE.


Who better to run a HAM radio club than two REAL Ham's, David and Kenneth.











hdarc frank ken lic.jpeg
hdarc president.jpg

How we got here. (hard work and planning)
A brief History of the High Desert Amateur Radio Club of New Mexico INC.™

hdarc warren qsl card.jpeg
  • HDARC page
  • Ham Sandwich Productions
  • Flickr
  • Free ham radio testing
  • Free Ham radio test and class
  • Free ham radio testing classes

© 2024 by High Desert Amateur Radio Club of New Mexico INC.™  -  All Rights Reserved, 1-27-22. PRIVACY POLICY

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